Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hiccups of Life

  I woke up today like any other day. But I once again woke up being completely sober and well just happy. I can't explain to people how happy I am but I just am. It most likely helped reading that I had inspired my good friend about how talented he is and he tagged me in his Face book status as doing so. So my morning has gotten off to a great start. So this made me think about Hiccups. Yes , I know it sounds weird and obscure but really think of this word. Wikipeda concludes that a  hiccup or hiccough (pronounced /ˈhɪkʌp/ HICK-up) is a contraction of the diaphragm that repeats several times per minute. In humans, the abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the vocal cords to close, creating a "hic" sound. "What the hell does this have to do with life Tracy???" you may ask, well I will tell you. 
  I wake up every morning and read my friends status's on Face Book, I know it's hard to believe that people actually care but I do. I figure that if you write it, I read it and I do my best. So I see alot of hurt and pain everyday. I see people who have lost their jobs, losing their homes, battling cancer, a death in the family and so on. I too have either been there, was there or will be there soon so I can understand the hurt and pain. I am almost losing my home, jobless, have had the person I trusted most walk out on me and I never tell anyone this but I have Lupus and used to get really sick but lately I haven't even had a cold. I have worries also but I think about the word Hiccup, yep, that's my life full of Hiccups. Think about it this way. Break the word down with me. Rush of air (aka STRUGGLE) into lungs (aka HOPE), what does it do? puts pressure on your diaphragm (aka LIFE) of which it has to expel a sound of a hic' ( aka SOLUTION). So these life issues are really just one big Hiccup. They are completely annoying and you notice them when you have them but when they are gone you don't even notice that you lost them. 
  So I guess my point really is, is that everybody gets HICCUPS, sometimes at embarrassing or inappropriate  times like in meetings or for some it's an extended time frame like the guy who's had HICCUPS for 69 years and 5 months ( GOOGLE The Hiccup Page). That poor man!!! Thankfully our hiccups come and go.

  But all in all we eventually forget the discomfort of those annoying rushes of air and just get back to living our lives as well as we can. To all my friends embrace your HICCUPS and let's learn and share the solutions that we have found to make those silly little things in life less annoying!!!!! Maybe a HICCUP can even give You a good laugh or two ?? 
T.S ♥

Thursday, February 17, 2011

User Illusion

  An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation(courtesy of Wikipedia my personal go-to source so I don't appear to un-educated). So this brings me to my thought of the day: "User Illusion" on Face Book. This has become the term I now use to describe what happens when people look at profile pictures and believe they are the actual person. The user of Face Book gets the picture in their head and even though the are completely intelligent they get an overload from the sexy picture's and the person that they portray. These fake images that are sometimes drawn or even a professional shot that was air brushed to complete perfection, leaves common sense behind for males and females. 
  I completely know what pictures are fake because I am almost obsessed with collecting the most desirable pictures I can find. I know that most of my friends are not Dragon's, Dogs, Motorcycles or Pamela Anderson look-a likes. So I do wonder why it's a shock when I respond that "No, the pictures are not of Me" (couldn't possibly be cause the women all look different) and well, as I am not opposed to plastic surgery, I have not yet underwent any. It's the internet, a place full of Illusions and where you can be anyone you want. Maybe your pictures should reflect your personality or mood as as you explore this faceless, nameless reality world we built. I change my picture according to my mood, sometimes you will find a gun staring right at your screen, at that point it's almost like a visual fire alarm ring in your eyes that I am pissed off. Maybe I am in love? I will display a scene with a couple so much in love that it makes you vomit a little in your mouth. See we all can play with pictures and have that little surprise when your post comes up or when you get "Poked" in Poke Wars. It's nice to keep people guessing which photo you will be today.
  Are "User Illusions" bad you ask????? No, I think most of us will go to a profile and check to see if they have real pictures, all the while being pleasantly surprised that their friend has a sensual or humorous side to their personality. Even some friend's profile have cutesy or dangerous names, something to make them stand out from the 100 million people in 2011 who are all sitting there in this vast black space we call Face Book( or as some call Crack Book due to it's addictive nature). All in all I have started to try and put up more pictures of the real me in order to keep my feet grounded in reality some days. It is okay to have your head up in the clouds but there is a time where the air is just too thin and you need to come back down to Earth. So here's to "User Illusions" be anyone You want to be but always be the best at being You!!!

♥ T.S

Monday, January 17, 2011

Basement Blogging

 Spike what is Basement Blogging? Is it when you sit in your stained computer chair wearing 3 day old fleece pajama bottoms and a Fruit of the Loom white t-shirt with mustard that dropped down from your boiled Oscar Mayer mystery parts hot dog (last nights dinner)? And I would tell you that is what my vision of most people who sit and blog could be, my present self included. I am not the picture of pretty at 1:41pm on a Monday still in my Saints t-shirt and snowman pj bottoms with lumberjack socks on cause it's too damn cold here in the Great White North. But I sit here wanting to share my thoughts with faceless unknown people just the same.
  I think Basement Blogging, I have made up this as a "term" not the group that is on Google, should be exactly what it sounds like. A small dark place in the corner in your basement ill-equipped with poor lighting , only ventilation coming from a vent that prisoners would bitch about and the smell of concrete that gives a faint odor you can't quite place. It could also be a term that may be useful in describing someone who has just started to Blog, such as myself, I am the one on the bottom. You know the one no one knows and their eyes glaze over as you mention their name. The word Basement really isn't a cute word is it? I mean, I hear basement I think dark, damp, laundry, you know everything I pretty much detest. It is also the one door that you close when people come over to visit trying to hide the mess of boxes and dusty exercise equipment so you don't appear too cluttered and messy. Isn't this something our parents taught us? Stuff things away quickly in the basement and closets so we appear all polished and clean?? I was in my house. So the word basement is your houses' negative room, the black sheep of the modular family. Over the years we have tried to turn this fowl word into something cute like rumpusroom, recreational area and family room. All these words still feel the same. With that being said, I must point out that your effort to clutter this unforgiving room is greatly appreciated by the spiders and mice as now a home of their own. Thus making you an Environmentalist. So give yourself a pat on the back, jump into your chair and cry "I am Proud To Be A Basement Blogger" ~T.S.